Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I know that sounds like a sermon topic, but it has played a huge role in my weight loss journey.

For years I carried around the weight of guilt and condemnation from past mistakes I had made in my life.  I couldn’t forgive myself.  I still remembered.  I still hated myself.  I just couldn’t seem to get pasted the past.  My past was ruining my future.

I did the same thing with my weight loss efforts.  I could not get pasted all the times I had tried and failed on losing weight.  I convinced myself that I could never be successful.  Failure had become the norm for me.

I needed to change something!!!  The first baby step I took was to forgive myself if I cheated on my diet.  Instead of throwing in the towel when I ate something I shouldn’t, I forgave myself.  Sure I blew it, but tomorrow was a brand new day.  A brand new slate;  A blank canvas.  I didn’t give myself permission to continue cheating.  The more I did this, the less I cheated.  It was amazing.  I didn’t have to feel guilty or ashamed anymore.  I gave myself the freedom to mess up and once I did, the pressure to be perfect vanished.  It was liberating.  It gave me the courage to continue and I have.  I haven’t been perfect, but I’ve been consistent.

This month alone,

·        I forgave myself for eating a whole box of Nilla wafers.  Yes, the whole box!  All in one day.

·        I forgave myself for gaining 5 lbs. at Weight Watchers.  The very next week I lost 5.8 lbs. and the next week I lost an additional 3 lbs.

·        I forgave myself for skipping a couple of workout sessions.

Can you see how immediately forgiving myself has actually kept me on track!!  This forgiveness process has changed me in so many ways.  It is essential to anyone’s success.

My current status is down 148 lbs. total.  Only 2 lbs. and I will have shed 150 pounds!!!  AMAZING!  Thank you Jesus.

Remember, by Thanksgiving my goal is to be in “ONEderland”.   


  1. Hmm, so you are telling me that we can Forgive ourselves for making mistakes? That is good news, thanks for sharing, and you my friend look amazing.. So proud of you..

    1. Yep. That's what I'm saying. Being imprisoned by failures from the past restricts you from moving forward. Unpeel yourself and begin again. Actually works on days other than "Mondays" too. That was one of the things I did every week. Started over every Monday morning and usually had failed by Monday night. So I just continued to binge for the whole week until Monday morning. I think that's where I gained most of my weight. Eating everything I wanted before "Monday". (over and over and over again!!)

      You have what it takes to get back on track. The holidays are upon us. Prepare now to be successful during this time. If you mess up, it's ok. You're forgiven. Love you!
