Sunday, March 31, 2013

Holding your position.

It’s been 3 months since my last blog so I decided I should let everyone know that I’m still on my journey.  I think this leg of the trip has been the hardest so far.  I feel like I know how to lose weight and I certainly know how to gain it back.  What I’ve always been a failure at is maintaining my weight loss. 

 MAINTAIN – “to continue in the present state or situation without losing control”.  This is where I am.  I honestly do not plan on counting points for the rest of my life.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the Weight Watchers’ points plus program and would recommend it for anyone who needs to get healthy.  However, now that I’ve lost 150 pounds, I want to be able to sustain my weight loss in the “real world”.  I’ll have to admit this is scary for me because it is a slippery slope.  I have slid down this mountain so many times in the past.
  1. What makes this time so different?
  2. Why am I so confident that I can do it solo?
  3.  How have I done the last three months?
This time is different because I have experienced the taste of success and I liked it.  I really don’t plan on continuing my journey all alone.  I know I can’t do it by myself.  I need support from my friends, family and yes from Weight Watchers.  I am confident however that I have learned what is necessary to be successful and know how to navigate around problem areas.

The last 3 months have not been easy.  As most of you that read my blog know, we are anticipating a major move in the next few months. Everything in my life is changing.  We are leaving everything that is comfortable and familiar and moving to another state.  My husband and I are both changing jobs.  We’ll be leaving our family and A LOT of good friends behind.  This type of change in anyone’s life can sabotage your weight loss efforts.

 One way I’m dealing with everything going on in my life is I’ve continued going to the gym.  There’s something about disciplining your flesh that revives your determination to keep going.  When I’m on the elliptical I remember how when I first started I could barely do 2 minutes.  Now I can go much longer.  I know I’ve come a long way and I never want to repeat the last two years of getting where I am now.

My life is changing in so many ways.  However, my commitment to being healthy has not.  I will learn how to maintain and stay in control.  God is my greatest help and strength and He will be moving to Colorado with me.  With Him, I’m already a winner!