Monday, June 25, 2012

My past, present, and future

It's been a year since I started my weight loss journey and I wanted to do a little bit of review in this blog.  First of all, I wanted to show you a few pictures that prove that I haven't always been on the heavy side of the scales.

14th Birthday - of course I'm eating cake!!

Senior Graduation 1977
Wedding 1978 - 18 years old
Here's where the problem started.  In less than 10 years, I had two children and doubled my wedding day weight.  So, in December 1988 I decided to have my stomach stapled in hopes that I could get back to a "normal" size.
Night before I had my stomach stapling surgery - December 1988
I think over all, I lost 60 pounds after this surgery.  Even though your stomach is the size of a walnut, I found out real quick what foods I could eat that wouldn't hang up in the staples.  Ice cream was basically what I lived on.  As I've stated in a previous blog, this surgery did not work for me. The desire to eat was still there and it didn't matter how big or little my stomach was.

I continued to fight my weight over the next 20+ years.  I tried so many different diets and spent a lot of money on weight loss programs.  All the time becoming more and more unhappy, unhealthy and unsociable.  I was totally miserable.  Hated myself and most of the people around me.  However, I was able to keep a job and most of the time fooled the people around me by acting like I had everything together.
Mother's Day 2001
In 2003 our son, Jason got married.  I was actually able to lose 100 pounds for his wedding. 
July 26, 2003
I immediately went back to my old eating habits and of course the weight returned.  So did my depression and self hatred. 

Mother's Day 2007 - am I really fooling anyone with that smile??
The weight continued to pile on!  I hate the following picture, but it really represents how far I allowed myself to "self-destruct".  I can't describe how I felt whenever I first saw this picture.  Denial didn't work anymore.  This was really me.

Oops, it's the next picture. Actually this picture looks a lot better than I do. 

I even looked "shocked" in this picture.
Something had to change!  I knew I was wasting the life that God had given me.  I have always prayed that God would help me lose weight.  I believe in the power of prayer, but there were issues within myself that needed to be changed before it was going to show up on the outside.

During this time, I started going to Bible College.  I thought this would be the best way I could change and become a better person.  No immediate change was noted.  However, as I perservered my thoughts started lining up with the Word.  In 2010, I went through a self-evaluation period.  I realized that I had settled into a comfort zone that God never intended me to be in.  I had no goals.  I didn't think that my life would ever change.  My future was something that I really never even thought about.  I just tried to get through each day.  God in His loving kindness revealed to me that even though I had given up on myself that His plans for me had never changed.  He knew I had value and gifts within me because (duh!) He's the one who put them there in the first place.  :)

In June 2011, I started my journey:

By Christmas, I had lost 70 lbs.!

May 2012, 90 lbs gone for ever!!! (my mom seems pretty happy too!)
We are now at the "year" mark and I have lost a total of 93 lbs.  My inital goal was to lose 100 pounds by now.  However, I am extremely happy with my progress.  My journey is not over, not by a long shot.  Of course I plan to lose more weight, but more importantly, I have goals now.  I have plans.  I embrace my future with excitment and anticipation.  My weight has consumed my life for too many years.  Life has so much to offer and I have missed out on so much.  But, God is good.  He is a God of second, third, fourth.... chances and I'm so happy that I'm finally on track with His plans for my future.

All together I am down 134 lbs. from my heaviest weight in 2002


  1. So encouraging! Love reading this, seeing all of your pictures and your journey (this is Lindsay, by the way, I know it always posts as my blog name)!

  2. Ohh Kathy, what a lovely blog post.. What a true encouragement to me to see how hard work pays off if you stick with it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and struggles, you explain things so well, and has been very helpful to help me describe how I feel about myself and people. I am so proud of you, and am cheering you on..I sooo am going to post a year update too with pictures.. Thanks for the idea..

  3. I'm so happy for your progress. God truly is amazing how He cares about everything. I had to get to the point I felt and really thought I would die if I didn't get rid of the pounds I did not need. My phrase is I didn't loose or haven't lost the weight, I got rid of it. Like you said, I'm not looking for it again. It is awesome to feel alive!
