Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Renewed Perspective

I love Wednesday; it's my favorite day of the week. Why?
  • It marks the middle of the workweek
  • It's my day off
  • It's the day I go to college and learn how to become more like Christ
  • Then I go to church that night and learn how to put that knowledge to work
  • It's one of the 3 days that I make it to the gym 
Although these are all true and good reasons, they are all secondary to the real reason I love Wednesday. Ready for the answer? I love Wednesday because it is the day that I get a fresh start every week. I go and weigh in every Tuesday night at Weight Watchers so my week officially ends that night. Wednesday morning my weekly point allowance resets to 49, all the mistakes I made the week before are erased and I have a fresh slate to work with. It is so refreshing. I love it. I look forward to it.

This week I really need for my "Wednesday" to get here quickly. I've really had a tough week and I have seen old habits trying their best to creep back into my life. I've been having some health issues (totally not related to my weight loss) which have resulted in my taking some new medication. My body has not accepted this very well and I have not seen a lot of weight loss over the last few weeks. It is very discouraging and I must admit it's been a struggle to keep my focus.

Tonight at Weight Watchers I only lost 1.2 lbs. However, I dropped down into a bracket that I have not seen in at least 28 years. 28 YEARS!!!! I was so surprised when I looked back at my records and realized that. I may not be losing weight as rapidly as I would like, but I am still losing. I have come so far. I am healthier. I have so much more energy. My clothes are so much smaller. Sometimes we tend to focus more attention on what we don't have and overlook what we have been blessed with.

Thank you God for reminding me of how far I've come. I definitely have a renewed perspective of where I am and look forward to where my journey will take me tomorrow.
Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me along the way.  You mean more to me than you will ever know!