Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Man! I didn't see that coming.

PLATEAU – what a horrible word - At least in the “diet” world it is.  Definition: - to remain at a stable level for a relatively long period.  In my case, 4 weeks and counting.  Talk about being discouraged!  You’re doing everything right, you’re eating the right foods, tracking, staying within your points, exercising and BOOM!  Your weight loss slows to a screeching halt.  Being warned ahead of time that this would happen really doesn’t prepare you for when it does.  I was OK for the first couple of weeks, but then 3 weeks and now 4 weeks and still no major breakthrough.  YIKES!!!
So, what does one do?  Go back to your old habits of drowning your disappointments with food?  NO
Get off the program for a few days to give your body a rest and time to reset itself?  NO
Throw out your old scales and buy new ones? NO - Actually that might help.  J
Give up and just accept the fact that the weight is never coming off? NO

 Here’s what I decided to do, even though in the past I did do all the above things and put back on more weight than when I had started.

 1.       Stay on the program and keep doing what I know is right.  The Bible even instructs us to not grow weary in well doing because in time you will reap the rewards of your hard work if you don’t give up.
2.       Remind myself of how far I’ve come.  I have plenty of old pictures to support my journey.
3.       I did a graph of my weight loss and it looks pretty impressive! Downward baby all the way!!!
4.       Look through my closet at all the smaller clothes I have now.
5.       I may not be seeing results on the scales right now, but my clothes tell me I’m losing inches.  To prove that point, I went shopping and bought a size smaller shirt and jeans.  Now that made me feel much better than gorging myself with food and then hating myself afterwards.

Just so there’s no question, I am not quitting!  This difficult time is just proving to make me more focused and determined.  I can do this!  I am 116.25 pounds down from my heaviest weight in January 2000.  This time around, I’ve lost 75 pounds and I am very proud of it!  There's no going back for me.  My rear view mirror has been destroyed.  I will take a closer look at the foods I'm eating and plan on increasing my activity level as well.  I'm sure that will help.

In my next blog, I will let you know how long the plateau lasted.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The holidays are over, but the celebration continues.

Ended the year feeling great about my weight loss journey so far.  This year instead of gaining weight between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I actually lost 10.8 lbs.  That was my Christmas miracle. 

Here are a few of the hi-lights of the last 6 months:
  • Got off of my high blood pressure medicine that I'd been taking for 8 years.
  • Went through my closet for the first time in at least 25 years and got rid of all the clothes that I had outgrown or knew I would never wear again.  I am amazed at how liberating that felt!
  • Was able to bless one of my friends with a bunch of clothes.  Whenever you are morbidly obese, it's very unusual to be given clothes because most of your friends are smaller than you are and their clothes wouldn't fit.  To be able to do for someone else what had never been done for me was such a blessing!
  • Quit using a seat belt extender.  Totally awesome!
  • Was able to ride a bike for the first time in years.  Great exercise!
  • Was able to wear all the "skinny" clothes that have been waiting in my closet for ages.  Some of them are already too big now.  HALLELUJAH!!!
  • Last week I went into the pool store to have our water tested.  The lady working there looked at me and said "Oh my gosh - I thought that was you - what have you been doing - you look amazing".  Talk about being motivated to keep going.  That kind of reaction is all it takes. 
Here are my goals for the next 6 months:
  • Lose another 40 pounds.  Weight Watchers says that a healthy weight loss is 1/2 to 2 pounds a week.  That's about what I'm averaging now.
  • Get into the 100's.  Haven't been there in soooooo long!
  • Be able to wear the size 14 and 16 jeans that one of my friends gave me. (Thanks Amanda!!)
  • Go to Six Flags and be able to fit into the seats - comfortably!!
  • Make exercise a priority.
  • Help Jessica and Jerry lose weight too.
Within the next year:
  • Finish Bible College
  • Get to my healthy weight goal and stay there!!
  • Pay off my credit card.  
These are not new year's resolutions by no means.  These are goals that I have set for myself and through perseverance, dedication, diligence and determination, I will accomplish them.  God has set before me life or death and I choose LIFE!

I believe in my future that I will be able to help and encourage other people who are taking the same journey that I've taken. (actually I've already started doing that) I know that I listen more closely to people who have actually lived what they preach.  I have a Weight Watcher's friend that has lost over 100 pounds, looks amazing, and has kept it off for several years.  I listen to her.  She knows what I'm going through and knows what works.  Thanks so much Rebecca for all your knowledge.  You are truly an inspiration.

My personal relationship with Jesus Christ has given me hope, strength and endurance.  His Word encourages me and I know He's always on my side.  I certainly couldn't make this journey without Him. 

Until next month.....