Sunday, December 4, 2011

Summer vacation and beyond

In my last blog, I had completed several weeks of the HCG diet, lost 40 pounds and was going on vacation to Colorado.

Ok we go to Estes Park Colorado the last week of August and stay for 7 nights in a mountain cabin.  I really didn't stay on a particular diet while I was gone, but I did try to watch what I ate.  Had a great time but the sad part was I gained about 10 pounds during that 10 days of vacation.  I knew I had worked too hard to get that 40 pounds off and was determined it wasn't coming back.  So, I begin another round of the HCG diet the same day I returned from vacation.  That was September 4, 2011.  Five days later, I had lost those 10 pounds and by September 17th I had lost a total of 50 pounds. 

So all in all, the HCG diet worked good for me.  However, if you do not stay on the low-carb, 1,200 calorie a day diet after you get off the drops, the weight comes back almost immediately. Again after being off the diet for a little over a week, I had put back on 10 pounds.  That was it for me!  Even though I loved losing one pound a day on the HCG diet, the weight loss wasn't sustainable for me.  If I wanted to experience long term weight loss, I would have to switch to a program that I could live with, afford, and not gain the weight back.

That program has turned out to be the new Weight Watchers Points Plus. I love it.  I started on September 27, 2011 and have lost a total of 20.8 pounds.  Of course 10 of those pounds are the ones I had already gained back from the 50 I lost on the HCG diet.  Bummer!

I give you all these details so that you can make up your own mind about how you choose to lose any weight you need to.

My total weight loss as of today, Sunday, December 4th is 63 pounds.  I still have a long way to go, but I'm taking it all the way this time.  I've stayed legal so far on two camping trips and during Thanksgiving.  That is such an accomplishment for me!  I know that I still face getting through the Christmas parties, but all I have to do is look at my beginning picture and see how far I've come and it propels me to keep going.  I truly believe I have God's help and know that I have a lot of family and friends cheering me on.  Thanks so much!

Next blog I will share some of my non-scale victories.